At the risk of being told off, please could someone help me by pointing me in the right direction for my last four answers, I have been reading my books and googling but to no avail, R*****d B*****y, I can only come up with Richard Bentley but no children of names I have left, E****d B*****n, N***l P****r, Nigel somebody? and J**n W**t.
And on the very day the complier of this quiz announces his "retirement" from online quizzes because he is fed up of people asking all the questions on this site and others (despite a specific request not to)
Thank you Greenbank, wallacia, mazie, Mirandasmum and Juniperblue. QuizmasterG, I had seen oddbody's "retirement" notice, of which I am very sorry, this is only the second of his quizzes I have done but I have enjoyed them, I have paid for my entry but won't send in answers, just would like to see if I have been correct with the 96 questions I have managed to work out.
oxburgh2 - so you've seen the compiler's retirement notice and you're very sorry about that. Perhaps you can then tell us why you have to ruin this quiz by asking for answers? It is the very fact of people like you asking these questions that is robbing us of brilliant quizzes in the future because the compiler "has had enough" and don't forget, you're costing the charity income as well. What do you expect - someone puts in all the effort to create an excellent quiz, only for many, many people to ruin it by asking for answers on here and other sites?
Well done for getting 96 answers. Why can't you persevere and look yourself just that little bit more. If you can't match what's left - logic tells you that a mistake has been made earlier on (just as happened to me), so it's back to the drawing board to re-check previously solved clues and find out where you've gone wrong. Alternatively, you could have a guess or leave a blank space (there's a novelty). After all, you've already supported the charity by buying the quiz. And I can promise you the rewarding feeling of satisfaction you get when you solve it yourself is well worth waiting for!
shawnee - I'm afraid it is not "intellectual bullying" as you put it, it is some of us voicing our point of view - just as you and others are entitled to do.
The retirement of the quizsetter is not dramatic, it is fact from the quizsetter himself.
When are people going to realise that their own greed and laziness in getting other people to provide answers for them is what is causing quizzes to fold and much more importantly costing these charities valuable revenue?
Thanks for you comments shawnee, appreciate support, it does fell like "bullying", I would like to say I wasn't asking for answers but to be pointed in the "right direction" i.e. clues or hints, I should have worked out Richard Bellamy, perhaps this could all be dropped now, will "try" not to offend in future, I do the quizzes for enjoyment and like to help if poosible and be helped. Oh well!!!!!!!!!
oxburgh2 - I will repeat, it is not "bullying", it is voicing my own opinion in a polite and courteous manner. I thought we were all entitled to our own opinion?
You may not have been asking for answers, but you should know this site by now - people don't always read what is asked and you should have expected that someone would give an answer rather than a clue.
If you do quizzes for enjoyment, can you tell me what enjoyment you get by asking for someone else to help you? Do a quiz yourself, if you don't know an answer, have a guess or leave a blank space - I can promise it doesn't hurt! Being given the answer on a plate is no way to learn and as you will have seen from other posts, it is this sort of thing that has led "oddboddy" to give up setting quizzes.
It is bullying and all the sniping on here that will end up making this a very lonely section
Sorry oddbody is no longer doing quizzes except for the other groups quizzes oddbody creates for !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! check the addresses ...................................
golly53 I do not do quizzes for other groups in the plural I did a one off for my sons dance company that was all and I advertised the address was mine and explained that it wasnt for Oddbods but I was just doing it for him. I said I am giving up compiling quizzes that means I am giving up compiling quizzes I am not in the habit of saying one thing and doing another.