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mintymow | 09:06 Tue 07th Apr 2009 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
My son has brought back some Chorizo from Spain and although I can find some recipes for it, I'm not sure a) whether it has any kind of skin on it (it doesn't look like it but is that likely) and b) once I've cut into it does it need to be stored in the fridge or is it still ok outside in the air? Any help on this would be appreciated.


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Any chorizo I buy usually has a fine skin on it which I remove. Not too sure if you are supposed to but perhaps its all down to preference. I do keep mine in the fridge once cut and it should be good for around 4 weeks (so it says on the packet!).

Enjoy, its lovely.
i'm the same as warpig, i take the very thin skin off but don't know if it's edible or not. i make a recipe from delia smith - basque chicken - using chorizo and because of the amount needed in the recipe i always have some left over, which i freeze.
ps. basque chicken is delicious by the way :)
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Thanks warpig and ethandron for your help. Mine doesn't appear to have a skin on it so perhaps I'll just slice it up and see. There is a huge amount I might just try both methods fridge and freezer. Thanks again.
Yes, it does have a skin on it but the skin is edible and it must be stored in the fridge once vacuum pack has been opened or the sausage cut into.

Chorizo is delicious eaten cold with other meats or in a salad sandwich or it can be added to a risotto or paella or any stir fry dish where a little goes a long way.

Enjoy! Inspiration
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Hi, yes you're right it does have a skin. I used some yesterday and being uncertain took the skin off, so thanks for your advice on that. I added it to a pork and ratatouille casserole and it was delicious and spicey which we all enjoyed.
Chorizo and chickpea soup is very good

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