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whats the plans for today

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SLINKYKATE | 15:28 Mon 27th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
at the moment i am having a plate of home made soup,it was made with leftovers and its lovely,then i'm going for a nice bath,put on my new clothes and go out for a birthday meal with my ex.and 2 sons,we are doing italian tonight,dimaggio's,they serve a lovely meal


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Hi Slinky xx

I've caught up on my e-mails, phone calls and other bits today and pieces after a hectic weekend ( gigging friday and saturday and organising childrens footie on saturday's too )
and relaxing too, as on Sunday always go out and chill with boo boo and the little boo's.
Gonna relax tonight - watch 24 and The Shield, which i love.

Hope you have a long relaxing bath - and enjoying dolling yourself up ready for your italian meal tonight and hope you have a great time, and happy birthday to who's birthday it is!
Love as always, slinks

ianf xxx ( aka the bear!!)
a plate of soup??

is that not messy, I find bowls work better for soup :)
Hi Slinky, that sounds nice!

I hope you have a lovely time and enjoy the meal. I love Italian food.

And if it is your birthday today, my best wishes to you.
Soup made with leftovers? So last night if you had a roast,salad and pudding,your soup would consist of meat,potatoes,stuffing,veg apple pie custard and gravy??????


Kidding,enjoy your meal!
Question Author
thanks everyone,sons birthday 22 years young,soup made with turnip,carrots,cabbage,rice ,chicken,leeks,onions,peppers and chicken stock,lovely
Reincarnated has a strange sense of humour....;-)

enjoy the meal SLINKY.....I like italian also......
you didn't save me a bowl of soup lol.
hope son has a lovely birthday and u all enjoy your meal :)
finishing work going home and having some dinner then going to next job :-(
Hi Slinkykate

Have a really good evening. Wish I was doing something similar. pie custard and thats a thought..............................but will it it taste funky!!!!!


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