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Number of people on line?

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madmaggot | 15:38 Fri 01st May 2009 | Site Suggestions
28 Answers
How about a box that tells us how many people are currently on line? This could be split between registered users and non-registered browsers.


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Maybe 'I' was the author.
As Snags has said. More useful than how many people are on line, would be who is on line at any one time. This can be done, as it is on a site called greenfinch, where beside the member's name there is a tiny box which lights up to show that the particular user is on line at any particular time.
I forgot to sign out and was here for 3 days, except for the fact that I wasn't.
A lot of forums have the 'currently online' indicator.

Doesn't mean the user is in front of the pc, or even in the house, though.
i love this idea
But what difference will it make?
None... unless being able to see which users are online at the same time influences whether you post... or not...
you would never know who was browsing without being logged in though? Personally I dont want everyone to know I am logged in.

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Number of people on line?

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