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stokemaveric | 19:49 Tue 19th May 2009 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
i am standing to be the next speaker......ORDER......


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Yes idiot, there was -

??????????? did that help ?????????????/

are you also blind as well as stupid?

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speaker for the common man noway....and women of
You missed it earlier on sir prize.

It was on the verge of leaving again, just a few more nudges and I think it will post another leaving thread.

Oh no I forgot, it wont post a thread on here as it is to chicken sh1t to, it will just say it in somebody elses thread just to ruin it
well you have my vote stoke.WHO DO WE WANT . STOKE FOR SPEAKER . WHEN DO WE WANT HIM. NOW S F S. ....SFS
knobby - it will NEVER leave. It is superglued to the seat. The thought of giving up a lifetime of stalking would be devastating.

No, I'd rather ruin this thread. I am beyond carnal relationships now, how about you knobby?
knobby - did you just ask the resident tu$d a question?

He seems to think you did and replied. But, as I said earlier, he often answers questions which haven't been asked.

Na I most certainly did snot
sir.prize -PMSL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can anybody answer a question that hasn't been asked!?

OMG you are so witty and funny and I think I need to go upstairs rather urgently.
whifffey - you are simply stupid.

Your last but one comment began with the word 'No' - which suggests quite clearly you were answering a query - when no-one had addressed you. You really fit the idiot role.
"Last but one" - my goodness you are a stickler for detail.

I like being stupid sir.prize, it keeps twits like you busy.
I hate to say it,but think whiff is the only voice of reason on here at the moment.Wiff for speaker
your out stoke.W.F.S
Hope you get it stokie, just think,a Stoke City season ticket and oatcakes on expenses, lol.

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