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Is Legend getting his hole ??

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Drisgirl | 17:25 Sat 27th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
He has been noticiibale (sp? -have to do that all the time now lol) by his absence.

What do you think he could be up to -hmm??


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I�m defending my own catholic religion cazzz1975. All I am saying is I find the user name offensive. �legend.isgod� could he not of thought of another name? I suppose some people do get their kicks from causing offensive, it is a sad world we live in sometimes.
You have very cleverily turned this round. I find your name offensive, I�m not going to argue about other gods, I believe in my catholic upbringing and you shouldn�t be using such a user name just for kicks.
maizy2008 I�m a religious person and don�t thik it is in good taste. Not wanting to cause any trouble though.

it has not taken you long are you from facebook
Whiffy quick quiz

Which ofn these are gods ?

Answer yes or no.

Simple even for you .

1 aphrodite

2 mars

3 hades

4 zeus

5 amun

6 anubis

7 bitol

8 yum caxx

9 odin

10 thor

Maizy as youre a christian

and a good christian i assume

why dont you do the christian thing

and forgive me .

There you are problem solved folks


anyone for a scotch egg ?
I only said your name offends me, you have pointed out your facts. I won�t say there isn�t any harm done as I feel there is but I�m flogging a dead horse discussing this with you. We�ll just leave it at that.
legoland is a fat drunken Scottish sex-shop proprietor, and thus well placed to pontificate and preach to Christians, those silly silly people who dare to believe in something which he deems ridiculous.



i am

the messsssiahhhhhhhh
messsssiahhhhhhhh - that�s even more offensive!

So let me get this straight. On here anyone can use any name whatsoever and it is ok no one will be offended?
Maizy, legoland is a drunk and not complete up top.

It is a waste of time talking spiritual matters to him, because he thinks he is the Messiah, rather than an internet-obsessed drunk.
i don't like gordon brown , did that help
Thank you illleave you here to mass debate with whiffy.



legend is a very naughty boy
maziy2008 at 20-45 on this thread
not wanting to cause any trouble though

but are all Scots rude and obnoxious?

I�ve just witnessed extremely bad behavior at my local chinese where a RabC Nesbitt lookalike tore the face off the waiter for no reason whatsover other than impress his company. Very, very loud and boysterious!

Maizy2008 Sat 27/09/08 19:33
Question Author
See -that was brill thread.

Leg -my 'guest' was sound -I had a MAJOR prob with my son which meant I had to sit here all afternoon -so I just posted and thought if I posted about you then I would get a good response lol -still dont know if he's OK yet -so still worried sick.

Goody -when its bad its bloody good lol

Dot -Good to see you back - mine are literally all over the place -R -dont know where he is now cos of that fog at Heathrow yesterday -would feel better if he just touched base -last I knew he was a flight to HK -hope yours are well x

Im glad that the majority took this thread -including Leg -in the way it was intended -sorry to the rest who felt it necessary to post in order to attempt to cause bother -it didnt work and its good we can all still have a laugh
brb away gettin ma hole.

hud it.

i'm enjoyn the sunshine its over 80 like

Like ma burds

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