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Colouring in Competition Anyone?

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AB Editor | 14:00 Mon 07th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
We have started up a competition to decide the colours of The AnswerBank:

Please submit your versions on the above thread.

Also, if you have further complaints please pop them in there too!

Spare Ed


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ooo sounds fun!
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I want oils to paint with - none of your modern rubbish, perrrleese!
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you said you were going to have a name the jelly people competition as well???????????????????????
red white and blue keep it patriotic
zzxxee ................ not everyone's from Britain !
im aware of that teacher but the colours are nice
Any colour except this . . . .*GaZC6o6Q9YqBFBuudjonGwQM1IOvW8R-9sEvF4wgx3t6pQxJ94nlt/ttar_orange_01_h_launch.jpg
I'm quite liking the idea of black text and black graphics on a black background?

Looks like we're running out of red paint for our http links rendering them inoperable. Never mind, this is clearly an act of terrorism from those dreaded Jelly Babies who are squatting on my screen in great numbers. They have also vandalised my font sizes, interfered with the preview option, diluted the Q and A separators, then transferred us all 1hr back to the future. We are now entering the Twilight Zone . . . .
Quod erat demonstrandum . . . .
Have colours of the changing seasons i.e. Autumn:Brown,Gold - Winter: Blue, Purple - Spring :Green,lemon - Summer: Orange,Red - or something along those lines. Simples
I'd like to see virtually any other colour aside from this baby poo yellow. Perhaps just red and white would look good.
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Hi Vibra, nice to be remembered. Not been around for a while. :-)

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Colouring in Competition Anyone?

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