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What sort of person

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brenda | 13:11 Fri 18th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
are you?

A friend said to me that there are 3 kinds of people in his opinion, ( we were talking in general about people we had worked withover a good few years).

His groups were----
1.---those people who always need to prove themselves to others, whatever the situation.
2.---those who feel they have no need to prove anything , and let you know this trequently.
3---those who don't give a flying fig about proving anything, to anyone, at anytime.

As I thought about it , I thought I was a 3 , but not sure now. How about you?


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Group 1, Brenda.
Hi, btw ;-)
I used to be firmly in group 1 when I was younger, now i'm definitely group 3.
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Group 3 without a doubt. My BF is the same.
I'm the same Doc. I know myself well enough and am happy being sod what anyone else thinks.
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Wish I wasn't but unfortunately group 1. Never been very confident.
I always tick the `Don`t know` box

Group 3
Same as you Jan - group 1 although I am learning to be a little 3 at times
As many as you like Doc :-)
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honestly although id like tosay group 3 im more a group 2
I used to dip in and out of groups 1 and 2, these days I'm more suited to group 3. Maybe it's because I'm happy where I'm at just now.
I don't think I fit into any group..........I'm me.
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I have a habit of over thinking everything I say so I don't offend people

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