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gulliver1 | 13:32 Thu 29th Oct 2009 | Motoring
7 Answers
ALBAGS, Thanks for your reply the engine cuts out only when driving, never when idling, and always springs back to life at the first turn of the key. The Honda technician said they can not tell where the fault is unless they are there when it stops, as no lights come up on the dash board when the engine cuts out, and at 55 euros + Vat per hour he said it could take a couple of hours and still not know what the fault was if it doesn't happen when they test it. He suggested to wait until it stops again then call the breakdown service to tow it back to them, then they will know the fault .....


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With intermitant faults like yours,it helps if are more specific when problems occurs eg from cold ,with engine warm, gear changing up or down etc.some faults will be stored in the vehicle ECU without the light coming ON.
If the fault will come up within an hour of driving pay for the one hour labour .diagnostic equipment can be connected to record all the actual operating condition allow them to do an extended road test.
When that was happening to my old Astra it was cured by having the coil and coli pack replaced
I had a ford granada that did exactly the same thing,turned out it was the ignition booster.
Is an ignition booster anything like a coil pack?
Yes are same (in what they do) though the other is often refered to with high energy How ever the honda set up is slighly different to the mentioned above.
Well all a mechanic will do is start replacing things bit by bit.

Cheaper to find out the suspect bits and do it yourself if you can.

It is probably to do with the ignition system I would have thought.
Honda technician ? at a Honda main dealership ? 55euros is cheap for a main dealer...

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