Waldo, that's an interesting study, and probably quite accurate as far as Britain and other western nations are concerned, so perhaps we will eventually see the demise of some faiths. However, as Beso says the theistic extremists are well entrenched in the east now, so I should imagine we'd be hard pushed to find a set of Muslim parents anywhere who would, or could, admit to having no faith.
Beso, it's a great pity but I can't see it happening either. This is why I feel it's important that we know the books and the history of those books. History is vital - although neither truth nor logic currently make any impact on the faithful. I agree with both you and Waldo that better educated people are less likely to adhere to a religious belief - and for obvious reasons - so one can only hope that by emigrating to the west and taking advantage of what the west has to offer, young Muslims will gradually come to realise and acknowledge the truth. Perhaps, rather than succeeding in 'showing us the way', which Keyplus once told us is the real purpose of Muslim immigration, the shift west will backfire on Islam, and will eventually prove to be the final downfall of the greatest lie ever told.