"I don't hold grudges, I drop people from my radar, wipe them from my hard drive and never go back".
"That is precisely why i gave the answer I did, people that cross me or my family in the real world I just drop like a stone as they are not true friends and therefore do not deserve to be a part of your life. It makes lt easier if you train yourself to dismiss them from your life pink, it does work".
That seems to me like a very sad and lonely choice. Most people are less than perfect and we rub up against even our dearest friends and family sometimes.
Most people in my experience have redeeming qualities, even if they do rub me up the wrong way sometimes. Personally I rarely bin anyone.
Why should someone who crosses you be deemed not a "true friend"?
The best friends I've ever had are the ones with whom I've had to 'battle it out' occasionally.
It's your choice ultimately and I'm not interested in taking that away from you, I'm just fascinated why someone would think this way.
All the best to you.