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Cats gone missing.....

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ummmm | 17:37 Sun 14th Mar 2010 | Animals & Nature
47 Answers
He was here last night but no one has seen him this morning. Kids have been in and out so he might have got out. He usually comes back the minute I call him. I've been walking the streets calling him but nothing. I've checked every cupboard in the house...

He's chipped....what do I do now?

He's not very good at being outside and usually only goes out 10 minutes at a time.....

Fretting now.....he's not even a year old yet :-(((


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Apparently Ginger said he heard him meowing 2 minutes before his alarm went off. I wonder if he knew the time. We have a conservatory type thing that connects to next door. Looks like he got into their house and out the skylight but couldn't get back in. He was sitting on the roof this morning....crying.
Good Morning ummm I am so pleased your cat is back, none the worse for his adventure I hope.
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Nothing wrong with him at all....smells like fresh air :-)
Glad he's back safe and sound! I bet he wont do that again in a while though eh!!! Naughty boy!
Delighted to hear that he's back.
They do worry us, but they nearly always wander back in looking for food and wondering what all the fuss is about.
Ummmm that is such good news, I know how relieved you must be! Is he snug and warm tonight?!
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He's been very clingy I think he might have learnt a lesson :-) hopefully..!!

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Cats gone missing.....

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