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UK, UK,UK....

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john1066 | 16:44 Fri 07th May 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
That's all we hear..UK, UK..What's happened to Great Britain ? Where's it gone?...


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Who tells you the flag is not pc? and so what if someone says that. I see plenty of these flags everywhere.
Yes jj
I would fly it if I had a pole?
I've got a Pole Bobbi.............he's fixing a leaky pipe.
"Brits Flee " scream the media headlines.As usual they fail to tell the whole story such as how many return(lots),how many discover for each plus there is a minus,how many struggle more than they did in the UK and how many seem genuinly shocked that taxes and crime exist in all countries.

The £pound has been valued at record highs in recent years meaning cost of living overseas seems cheaper than ever.British people can sell their over valued average/small houses and buy cheaper & larger properties in the sun and still have money left over.People in USA,Canada, Australia,NZ etc simply don't have this easy option.Despite this many of them still choose to emigrate-many to Britain.

If you are retiring on a UK pension or living overseas off the proceeds of your over valued UK house then life might seem easy,but when people earn and spend the same as the locals the realisation often sinks in that life in Britain was really not that bad.

Like all countries Britain has its problems-mostly caused by incompetent government and an often idiotic legal profession. These faults need to be resolved yet some people criticise the UK for stupid reasons.Proof? :
1.Those who say they are fed up with crime - and move to areas of the world with a higher crime rate.

2.Those who complain about too many foreigners - and move to areas of the world where they are outnumbered 10-1 by foreigners.

3.Those who moan about the weather - and move to areas of the world with such extremes of weather that they are confined indoors for half the year.

4.Those who complain about high taxes - and move to areas of the world with even higher taxes.

5.Those who complain about stress/long working hours - and then move to a country with longer working hours and fewer paid holidays.
ha-ha McMouse
ask him if he fancies sitting on my roof with a flag wrapped round him
is that PC

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UK, UK,UK....

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