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Imagination into gear.....

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janzman | 17:37 Sun 09th May 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers would you achieve your 'Fifteen Minutes of Fame'?????????????


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I couldn't think of anything worse
If anyone can tempt craft to put a piccy of herself on her Avatar then that will be an achievement in itself. Fame for ever ! :-)))))))))
I'd become a notorius cereal killer, and start prowling the streets of major cities looking for box of Shreddies and Sugar Puffs to stab until their contents spills over the pavements. Muwahahahaha
I've had mine already.
I would compose a song that was a worldwide hit and make me a billionaire. Then disappear before the begging bowls came out.
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thetruthhurts......Do tell.....
what did you do t.t.h

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Imagination into gear.....

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