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merciasounds | 11:29 Tue 08th Jun 2010 | Food & Drink
29 Answers
Westcombe Mature farmhouse cheddar, Wensleydale, Cheshire, Sage Derby, Little Wallop (goats cheese washed in cider) Oxford blue (a semi-soft blue veined) Sparkenhoe Red leicester, Cropwell Bishop Stilton, and a Dorset blue vinney soft cheese I have a Cotswold Brie, and Flower Marie, a sweet soft ewes milk cheese. nettle wrapped cornish Yarg, Wyfe of Bath - organic gouda-like cheese a Normandie camembert, Banon, a leaf wrapped semi-soft from Provence, Caboc - a Scottish double cream cheese rolled in pinhead oatmeal, and a Grandma Singleton's strong Lancashire. The Stinking Bishop never materialised!!


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That is exactly it! And then all the bigger lumps that fall off get eaten by me too!
The way I eat cheese is the reaso I wanted to get my cholesterol checked, but the Dr wouldnt because of my age!

Eat cheese in 2 meals a day, and that is not bad considering I dont have breakfast!
Also want one of those funny cheese wedding cakes when I get married :-)
Wiggal, I am just like you. Actually though noone else in our house likes cheese and now I don't buy it any more, except for the italian stuff you grate to use in cooking. If I buy it I sit and eat it all and I really don't want to look like a Michelin Man (lady) so I just don't buy it any more!! ;o)

(However, yesterday, I was treated to a beautiful fresh roll filled with brie and cranberry!! Yum)
I'll get you the set of cheese kinives and a marble cheese board from the wedding list wiggal!
Ah see lofty, my other half loves cheese too.. hence why we have so many different types in the fridge at home!
I dont do stinky cheeses like stilton, and I cant get my head round fruits in cheese, but I love garlic and herb cheese :-)

Oh and cheese strings! Buy them for OHs kids when they come over, and I eat 3 or 4 of them at a time! Ooops!
lol ttfn! There will definitely be one of them! :-)
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Gotta go and do some baking!! Couple of Victoria sponges, a chocolate cake, two flan bases and I'll whip up a couple of batches of scones...might make some cheese ones as well....later - bye! XX
Bye mercia x
Ohh cya Mercia, although thing I will stick with the cheeses! I dont eat anything sweet
Wensleydale and cranberries. And balsamic vinegar and onions. And smoked. And with ginger, and with pineapple. I could go on and on..

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