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bibblebub | 11:17 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Should curtains be opened all the way to let in as much light as possible or should they left part-way across the window?

I'm in a quandary and need to know.


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it depends what you are up to bibble, open generally but if you are watching tv and the sun shines in then maybe closed slightly
Oh bibblebub - pull yourself together man..... ;-)
Question Author
Does their position affect the ability of flies to find their way back out of an open window?
I'm doing some experiments on your dilemma now bibblebub, i will be back later with the results of my findings.

great question btw.
I tend to drape mine so they're a nice shape using the tie-backs.......very technical I know.
Question Author
Net curtains are always white - are there any colours to avoid for the main curtains to avoid clashing?
Net curtains !?!?!

How very non-U..........
Net curtains should be avoided at all costs............if you do need something to twitch try draped voiles.
Question Author
ugh hanging a vole sounds repulsive
Not if you're a beaver....
Can't Remember A F****** Thing.....
^^^ Aha...There she is....there she is.....come here, you little lovely York still drive me crazzzzzzyyyyyy.....................gissa kiss...... and take your teef out if going any further :0) xxx
Red gave that brilliant acronym craft yesterday - before somebody pointed out that you yourself had come up with it. Nice one!
yogi......teef are out..........come here and get gummed.
I love it when she speaks dirty.........i'm so smitten... ( where's York again? ) x

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