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Free energy devices

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David H | 02:39 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | Science
11 Answers
I have been checking out free energy devices some time and been told by a number of engineers they are viable. There is now a website with a number of links to the main retail companies offering such devices for sale at prices a fraction of a solar panel, but try as I might I have yet to come across a single person who has used one. I know some won't perform as claimed but as long as one does we only need that and can forget the others.
My simple question is as these companies have all been going for at least 5 years they must be selling units, so why haven't I come across anyone who has one or any media reports on them? Has anyone at all I'd like to know?


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It cannot work. No free energy device can. Energy is available when something in a high energy state is moved to a lower energy state. The balance can be used to perform work.

If on of these devices did work we would hear about it. Those gullible enough to buy one invariably keep quite lest they look a fool.
And did these "engineers" that told you that they were viable wear tin foil hats?

More generally I wonder whay almost every eternal motion fad for the last 100 years or more seems to involve magnets?

The answer to your question is because they are 50% nuts and 50% scans to fleece the gullible.

How do I know this?

Several reasons

a) They contradict the principle of conservation of energy
b) There is never any mechanism for how they could work (proper mechanisms with numbers)
c) These scemes have been about for decades and nobody's got one working yet
d) Governments spend billions on things like fusion research if there was even a remote chance of it working they'd investigate it. The US military even had a look at cold fusion so the fact they're not interested should tell you something

But the main one is a) that just means that it's an extraordinary claim and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - I don't see that.

By the way would any body like to buy shares in my company which makes engines that run generators that produce electricity to split hydrogen and oxygen from water which you then burn to power the engine?

Free energy from water! and it's very nearly working we just need a bit more cash
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Jake mentions the common "water as a fuel" delusion.

Water is the end product of combustion of hydrogen and oxygen. Not a fuel but an exhaust product. Funny that nobody promotes using other forms of exhaust products as a fuel.

Given the worry about carbon dioxide levels I would have thought by now that someone would have "invented" an engine that took carbon dioxide out of the air and used it as a fuel.
He's talking about free energy, not perpetual motion. Isn't wind/solar free?
A magnet is capable of doing work. Put an object in front of the magnet and it will move. Put petrol in a car and it will also move. Use the heat of the sun and some work can be generated from it. Use the tides and turbines can turn. Put sails into the wind and work can be generated.

Its just that scientists have not yet found the inginuity to make use of the magnets power.
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Burning petrol releases the chemical potential energy represented by the difference in the hydrocarbon molecular bonds and those of the water and carbon dioxide produced.

Wind and other forms of solar energy come from the nuclear fusion in the sun produced by the difference in the nuclear bond energy of hydrogen and the exhaust helium.

Tidal energy is extracted from a huge reserve of kinetic energy embodied in the rotation of the Earth. The Earth literally slows down to provide the energy to the turbines and that lost in friction as the tides move.

Magnets do indeed contain a reservoir of energy but not very much. The biggest magnets in the world are in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) occupying a length of 27 kilometres. The total energy stored in these magnets is 10 GJ, which is the equivalent to the heat from the burning of 300 litres of petrol. Extract that energy and the magnetism is gone.

The work done by a magnet moving an object is quite different. In this case the object moves from a location of higher potential energy to lower potential energy. This process does not extract energy from the magnet. Returning the object to the original position will require energy to be added to the system.

The situationis identical to hydro energy. The mass of water moves from a high gravitational potential energy to a lower potential. No energy is extracted from the gravitation of the planet. Returning the water to the high potential uses the enrgy of the Sun through evaporation.

Magnetism will never primary energy source of energy no matter how ingenious scientists apply their skills and knowledge.
Tweed /// He's talking about free energy, not perpetual motion. ///

If you follow the link you will see he is talking about perpetual motion.
Proof that magnets can do Work:
It'd be great for some maverick to prove wrong centuries of scientific belief and get one of these things working. From such chaos we get great steps forward. But a you imply, if any were as viable as claimed then where is the millionaire ? Why is the cat not proven out of the bag ?

Why not get one yourself and let us now how you get on ?

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