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Egg Yolks

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moz1959 | 13:20 Sun 25th Jul 2010 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
I made a batch of meringues and have egg yolks left. Any ideas for using them up.


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lemon or orange curd? fresh custard? stir them up with a little icing sugar and freeze? mayonnaise?
I was going to say mayonnaise to go on a nice fresh salad! You could flavour it with garlic, chives, or tarragon -even chopped chili - whatever takes our fancy.

Or a baked egg custard to go with some stewed summer berries - yummy
ice cream!
Why not just freeze them until needed (within four months or so max)? Put one each in an ice cube tray and when frozen place them in a freezer storage container or bag. Be sur eto lable them for date. Another tip is to stir them together (before freezing) and add 1/2 teaspoon salt to every 4 to 6 yolks (about a cup full)... Mrs. C says this keeps them from clumping when you use them. If the prospect is to use them in a dessert type recipe, replace the salt with about 1/2 teaspoon full of corn syrup per six yolks...
Add some milk to the yolks and then scramble them!
creme caramel....

recipe for merangues pls as mine are too chewy

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