1. Start, click Run, type Regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
2. Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.html
3. Right click the value for the .html key and select Modify...
4. Change the value from "ChromeHTML" to "htmlfile" (or from FireFoxHTML to htmlfile)
its firefox, i;ve done it anyway and its work, so thank honey, i knew you'd know!
Re our IT, he's a young lad and very well meaning but he kinda got landed in the job and doesn't have a lot of real support, he's learning as he goes! We're clever and make all the trained people redundant.....
in that case I take back my comment about useless IT department, we all started somewhere and I can sympathise with being thrown in at the deep end, it's how I started.
if he gets stuck or ever needs a second opinion on anything feel free to point him my way.