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Are you in pain?

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Jemisa | 00:13 Tue 11th Jan 2011 | Body & Soul
46 Answers
I'm in pain,taken a couple of Paracetamol waiting for em to kick in. Its all so stupid really, having a shower and ran out of shower gel, a new one on top shelf of shower cubical, reached up for it, It slips out of my hand & crashes down on my right big toe. (I swore) considering the hight it fell from and it being a large full bottle it was like someone hitting my toe with a 3lb hammer.
Hit right on the toenail and its now swelling and turning purple and throbbing like hell.

Are you in pain right now? what is causing yours?



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Jem - am in total damn pain...monthly as always - paracetamol n ibuprofen don't work, neither do the prescription pain killers... i know i'm moaning, but feeling so crappy :-(
Drill a hole in your toenail & squeeze the blood out.
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H Mum, So sorry to hear that, have you got to the reason yet? surely something or someone can help you. Mine was a moan because I was feeling sorry for myself at the time, but I do hope you're feeling better soon.

the baron,What good advice, - - - NOT!

Although black & the surrounding area a subtle shade of purple the throbbing has stopped and its a lot easier & walking is better.

ooh jem, my sympathies. Belted my little toe last month against a load of lemonade bottles, the relief when the toenail came off was nice.

It's my right knee which is killing me as one of my darlings left an empty crisp packet on the floor and I went sliding into the table. (Didn't put the light on to see where I was going)
ta's wearing off, but will come back for another week...:-(

docs say they can't do anythin...the consultant won't do a hysterectomy as i have von willbrand's...

anyway, sorry to be feeling so sorry for meself, hope ur good now :-) x
Message for ummmm
You say that you stubbed your toe on a roof tile and it`s coming off. Suggest you get a roofer ASAP they have forcast rain for the weekend.

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