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Don't you think I have lovely lips?

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Bbbananas | 12:09 Wed 16th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
I've been using lip plumper. Much cheaper than a trout pout and only tingles for a short minute.

Gissa kiss xx


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lol lofty i like the boy next to you :-)
Oh lottie, such innocence...............
Nice lips...hope they are as good as they look.
Yes BOO, really me. The only serious one there. I hated Punch and Judy, it worried me. I look serious like that in all my childhood photos!! Would have been about 1950 by the way!!

Yes such innocence Neti - what ever happened!!
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Cute !
That really is a sweet piccy lottie, ta for sharing :-)

Who's the boy next to you? Very unfortunate piccy of him, he looks stoned!

I hated, and still do in fact, Punch & Judy, it's just plain wrong!
I don't know who he was BOO. It was taken on holiday at a holiday camp on the Isle of Wight. They were all strangers!!
Awwww, what a cutie you were Lottie
Oh I still am Mrs O (I wish!!) I look more like my avatar < now !!!
What? You look like a man in drag????????

I don't believe you!
AP I Know what you wondered --- don't go there.
I,ve been told that i have quite cute lips.....I have also been told i have a quite cute mouth also....
can be nice if made up really well - crap make up is not good....
1 male view.....

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Don't you think I have lovely lips?

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