Catholic vs Protestant. in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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Catholic vs Protestant.

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flobadob | 10:51 Sun 06th Mar 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
43 Answers
Going by the general rules of the aforementioned denominations, is it the case that one is correct over the other? Around Ireland and the the UK these two faiths are more than likely the most common. I'm from Ireland where Catholicism is the most dominant religion but there are a few Protestant religions like Methodist and Church of Ireland also. Is it the case that Catholics should believe that these Protestants will not go to Heaven and Protestants think that Catholics will not get to Heaven? Or is it the case that all Christians get to Heaven regardless of the Catholic/Protsestant thing?
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There used to be a condition that the children of a 'mixed marriage' would be brought up as Catholics.
My kids are catholic but it wasn't a condition for the church wedding. It was never mentioned when we got married ( well not to me anyway).
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Just say yeah as all it means is that when they are seven or eight they do communion, then confirmation later on. So what? Technically I'm catholic but I practice it in no way whatsoever. I'll go to funerals and weddings and some masses for the sake of other people like anniversaries. I don't see any need to really do anything about the situation as I don't believe in any of it.

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