Going by the general rules of the aforementioned denominations, is it the case that one is correct over the other? Around Ireland and the the UK these two faiths are more than likely the most common. I'm from Ireland where Catholicism is the most dominant religion but there are a few Protestant religions like Methodist and Church of Ireland also. Is it the case that Catholics should believe that these Protestants will not go to Heaven and Protestants think that Catholics will not get to Heaven? Or is it the case that all Christians get to Heaven regardless of the Catholic/Protsestant thing?
Well,quite frankly,I have always had a Christian belief,that decent people go to heaven regardless of their persusian....be that catholic,protestant whatever...I'm not told who to follow!...
A very nice thought Lindapinda, nice but very naive. Your "Christian" bible will tell you that: if you are gay you will be put to death, if you disrespect your Father you will be stoned to death, if you are not a virgin on your wedding night you will be stoned to death, are these not decent people, I dont see them being accepted into this farcical heaven, do you? Read the Bible!!
Ratter.. I've long had the seditious idea that if 'god' was omniscient and omnipotent as believed by many then he would know that many 'believers' are just putting on a front to hide their nasty real selves or are as you said 'hedging their bets' but of course he will know (how could he not) that they are being selfishly nice so they won't get past the pearly gates anyway. :-)
Going back to basics the protestants and catholic faiths are very similar. The main difference in the UK is that the head of the protestant church is the queen and obviously the head of the catholic church is the pope. Because the monarch is the head of the church of England changes were made to the church services to suit their particular whims, for example responses were banned by Queen Elizabeth 1 to make services shorter. There are many other small differences which still to this day will cause communities to be divided. However they are all Christians.
I am a athiest so i don't believe in heaven, however my hubby is catholic and he does. He thinks he will go to heaven and i won't because i am not a catholic.
I asked him directly because I was interested in his answer. However since it is not him who chooses who goes to heaven I have no real concerns. If we both meet up in heaven he will pleased because there is a heaven and I will be pleased because I wasn't sent 'down below' for not believing.
I am Methodist but I can't see wrong in any religion apart from it staring most of the Wars over centurys
Some I don't understand like the laws of the Catholic Church saying that if a Catholic were to marry a non Catholic, the non catholic has to be married into their Faith, same as the confession thing, does this mean you go to Confession, get absolution then perhaps do whatever you have confessed to ,again?
I am not decrying the above at all, only I find it hard to understand, that's all
Mark is right I think, some conceptions of heaven sound broccoli, as he says sitting around on clouds all day, who could do that for an eternity? It's hard to get anyone of a faith to commit to their idea of heaven I have noticed, no one seems to have any opinion in what they are attaining to, which is a little scary of a thought.