The theory behind the slimming world eating plan red and green days is that you dont mix carbs and protein in the same meal. I have tried this and it does actually work, does anyone know why it does work?
its actually just a low fat low sugar diet and its days not meals.... you can do days that are carb or protein loaded but they all severely restrict your fat and sugar intake as well as bread/cereals
Sorry yes it is red and green days. So going by that theory you could have a green day every day and stuff your face with as much rice, potatoes and pasta on their own and you would still lose weight?
yes you can..... but the new rules ask you to have at least a third of your plate filled with the 'superfree' foods i.e most fruit and vegetables. as you haven't mentioned 'extra easy days' im guessing you only have info on the old style plan.... the new version is much easier to do worth joining a group to get the new book
Enjoy your protein and greens. Keep off fruit (other than berries) and root vegetables such as carrots as they are full of sugar.
It is sugar/carbs that trigger the insulin which converts food into fat. Cut them out and your body will use the triglycerides (fat) you have stored.
I suspect any apparent ability of such plans to work has more to do with taking notice of what you are eating and beng sensible about it. The rest I suspect is just a blind.
Don't leave anything out of your diet, the body needs a mix of foods.
zeuhl....slimming world rations bread/cereals but allows pasta,and potatoes stressing however the importance of filling up with fruit and veg....I do agree it makes you more aware of what you are eating but it is a whole lot easier than pplansthat require lots of weighing and counting,
BTW low carb high protein diets are not suitable for everyone as they can put an extra strain on the kidneys. Most folk would be fine but it is something to be aware of especially if you are an older person.