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Anyone care to speak up for this savage and his missis?

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anotheoldgit | 14:45 Thu 26th May 2011 | News
28 Answers

Yet more of the world's garbage set to reside in the UK for as long as they wish.

Before we criticise that non popular European Convention on Human Rights, how on earth were they given visas in the first place? It seems that we constantly make a rod for our own backs.

Now both him and his wife can get HIV treatment free of charge from our NHS, so I presume they can get free dentistry also, we hoped that he doesn't get the type of dental treatment that he dished out, or do we?


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all of us who lived in Zim (and many others I know) have wondered why nothing has every been done by the International community about the atrocities that have taken place there.
So why can't they send him to the Haque to stand trial or is that place reserved for mass murderers.
Agree with Mcfluff, living in Bristol I know, Fishponds is a ****hole thats a punisment of sorts.

//all of us who lived in Zim (and many others I know) have wondered why nothing has every been done by the International community about the atrocities that have taken place there//.

Silly girl carmalee, there's no oil there.Ron.
aog, you seemed affronted that Blair should meet Gadaffi. He did it to ensure continued access to Libyan oil, to run the cars owned by the likes of you and me. Do you object or not?
Whiskeryron - will take your comment in the manner I hope it was intended but for future ref -I'm certainly not a silly girl and please don't patronise me again..
apparently no one did speak up for the happy couple anotheroldgit
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Anyone care to speak up for this savage and his missis?

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