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3 hrs + since the last thread, anyone got a Rant of the Day to share?

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Bobbisox | 15:52 Wed 13th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
or perhaps you have had a good day?


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I swear Em if I knew whose dog it was doing it, I'd rub their nose in it, not the dog, it doesn't know any better, it's the irresponsible owners I can't stand! There's poo all up and down the backs here where I live. Just so hard to catch whose doing it. I love dogs though, it's not them I'm against, just the bad owners who sadly there seem to be plenty of.
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Trigger, this is not a huge amount as far as care homes go, probably less than two weeks care!! And they grab what they can.
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love the Bobbi Hinny bit arwyn ;-)
LL threading the posts man :-)
I will wave as you come by Red!! Enjoy the beer. Cheers, bottoms up and all that!!
Last week, Trigger - I phoned the Finance Dept, at Local Council, to be told, the bloke I normally speak to was on holiday and nobody else was dealing with it. Got in touch with Chief Executive, who assured me a cheque would be in the post last week - I gave them the benefit of the doubt, and waited until today, but nothing has turned up in the post. Looks like another phone call is on the cards (:o(
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I'm in a really good mood too red, not going on holiday though lol I've had a great day and just relaxing now before I make tea :) have a great time btw
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oops, should have said, yes, they have acknowledged I overpaid them. Back in January I paid the Council and the Care Home. It was just by chance, I was checking through my invoices, and noticed it.
RH, I wish I was going away!

I've spent all day waiting for papers and they both turn up in the last 10 minutes. Now I've got to work this evening.
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Red, I love the Ale - can't stand cider!!

I will put the skull and crossbones up shortly!! ;o)

Avoid the roundabout past the Garden Centre. Go through F........ . The roundabout has roadworks and there are long long queues, especially at weekends.
Den I am furious for you and I don't even know you
Write to them tonight giving them an ultimatum either they pay within seven days of reciept of the letter or you will pass it on to miscellaneous accounts who will seek legal advice to recover the debt and interest too
That'll show em
If you email them cc your local councillor in too

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3 hrs + since the last thread, anyone got a Rant of the Day to share?

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