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`Morning Guy`s a gals`

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carlton23 | 06:36 Wed 28th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Get your summer gear on`s going to be a lovely warm one.....I hope.


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Great - and i'm full of cold!!

Jemisa - if you're looking in, my dear, may I wish you a speedy recovery.

Can't hang around this morning so have a good day y'all and, if you have one, may your god go with you
Morning.... :-) x
have indeed got summer gear on - enjoy today everyone x
Good morning all...have a happy day. x
morning all...soft and misty morning here...very atmospheric

have a good one... now shall I tak a jacket or just a cardi?
Morning, very bright here in the capital.
Morning carlton, morning all, looking good over north Essex, enjoy the day.
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Hello x
G'Morning, trees are turning Gold and Red, it will be dark just after 6-30, but today it's crops and a top weather +gladiator sandals :-)))
Morning all. Morning welshy if you can see this. Hope you are well. Nothing special to do today. To all who are interested and especially the ones who have helped me with my questions about selling my house, I have had another offer (the first one fell through - they decided they didn't like the area). Having already been disappointed I'm not building up my hopes yet, but here we go again! Funnily enough, perhaps it was good that the first offer fell through, this one is higher!!
Good morning all, yet another fine morning and a good day forecast, though it wasn't red hot yesterday it was warm enough to sit out in the afternoon so if it stops the same we might might get the barbie back out.
I almost wish it was a bit colder as I've got to go into Newport today and any sign of some sunshine brings out the lardy, tatooed, chavs in their nearly there outfits - makes me nauseous just to think about it !! I'll have to put my eyeballs in Dettol when I get home.
Good y'all.... lovey day here ,Edinburgh, bright, sunny not too hot yet... must get into garden and cut the grass.....

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`Morning Guy`s a gals`

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