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JOHNNY MATHIS is touring

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dotty. | 13:16 Mon 03rd Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
is anyone going to see him?


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I thought he was dead. :/

Never liked him, at least in part because a woman i worked with whom I loathed banged on about how gorgeous he was, what a man, and all that.

I confess I took some delight in the schadenfreude of her discovery that JM is in fact, gay.
Is he? Gay that is. I didn't know that.

Have always loved his voice., as his official site seems to be down at the moment.

He came out in the early 80s but, following death threats (yes, really!), did his best to keep it in the closet until only a few years ago...
The words head, dip, sh1t & bucket suddenly spring to mind.:-)
He must be getting on a bit now. Lovely voice though.
My mum was a big fan of his. I can only remember one of his hits (When a Child is Born).
^^ The production on that album is amazing...
WE saw him 15 years ago at The Cornwall Collesium \ incredible voice he holds the microphone so far away from hi mouth ,yet we heard e very word He started the show then a female singer did a couple of sons and then he carried on to finish ,he was on stage for a long long time.
Another beilliant show was Gladys Knight and the PiP's Top Act
He has got a lovely voice and I like When a Child is Born, but not really a fan so wouldn't go to see him.
Not a fan i'm afraid.
I love that song lotty, and he sings it so beautifully, as if he really meant it.
Nope! :0)
I have tickets to see him in two weeks time. Saw his first ever tour in the UK in the early 60,s and last time he was here. He still sounds as good as ever. I think he admitted to being gay many years ago

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