///Van owners fear they will be forced out of business when air quality standards are extended in the New Year to cover a range of vans from 1.2 to 3.5 tons.
The vans are among hundreds of thousands that will attract hefty fines of £100/day if they do not meet strict new particle emission limits from January 3.///
If the government used joined up thinking they could employ a van scrappage scheme that would take many of these polluters off the road and at the same time putting an injection into the motor industry notably Fords and vauxhall.
Rov, it does not matter what this Government throws at the British Public they will except it, OH! that is unless you are from abroad like that person in Sunday's paper that has just claimed £17000 because his Human bloody right has been infringed, Britain? Laughing stock of the world.
what's new? I thought there where already emmissions regs. Are vans currently exempt then? Come to think of it I have seen a lot of old vans smoking like a train lately, no way they would have passed an MOT!
despite the opinions of the States environmental position, we as the EU will still be half the level of diesel NOx and particles/ emissions in force over there 0 and regulations cover all new cars and old ones (up to 5 years old) have to comply with the previous level
It cleans the air up as NOx and particles work with sunlight to create ozone - and this is actually far worse than CO2.......and the American oil economy is far lower than the UK and EEC in diesel and middle distillate usage. Its amazing that even with the new levels, we are still way behind.
Already there are emission restrictions this addition in Jan 12 will aim primarily at the White Van man of which there are many tens of thousands doing their business. It will also include the ice cream vans.
It will obviously put many of them out of business as to avoid it means a filter fitted to the exhaust which costs over £1000 else the purchase of a new/newer vehicle
Currently aimed at Greater London it will be extended to the rest of the country.