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Fake willy - my transexual summer

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bednobs | 22:47 Wed 16th Nov 2011 | Film, Media & TV
53 Answers
Did anyone watch my transexual summer last night? I was absolutely fascinated by the willy that bloke had had made out of his arm and arse. then they made his flaps into balls. You've got to be really brave to go through all that!


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A kipper? Interesting Al.....!!!
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I did try writing clint without the n, it must be said, bednobs!

Eddie - there are folk out here with an interest in intergender or transvestism for whatever reason. A high percentage of the adult population engage in "interests" - sometimes in fun, sometimes in play, some more seriously. Having a catholic (open) attitude to this, rather than a bigoted closed mind is something I have come to learn to admire in people......
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Quite, pusskin.
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Glad to hear that Eddie, then you should have a reasonable appreciation of our make-up - I was weighted to 13% on the female....I wasn't surprised by the F balance, but the degree did amaze me. I have done other tests since and they are fairly consistent - of course with the assumption that one is truthful with these psychological "quickies"

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Fake willy - my transexual summer

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