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Tracy Davidson - are you out there?

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wolf63 | 17:38 Sat 10th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I have just been flicking through my Readers Digest and one of 'us' has mentioned our website/forum/fighting arena - and she makes it sound like a nice and helpful site.

Tracy Davidson - did the Ab Editor pay you to be nice?


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:-) I forgot to smile on the OP.
That's nice - is there a link, wolf? I can't see it on the AB page, other than her name being mentioned in the winners list.
You've lost me ??
doh, I mean RD page...
-- answer removed --
"she makes it sound like a nice and helpful site"

well, it is - now I've re-read your post, are you suggesting that it isn't?
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It doesn't seem to be on the RD site yet. It is on page 14 of the book/magazine.

It is one of those little 'what are reading, listening to and Surfing on line' type articles.

I am using my MacBook just now - from under the duvet - and there is either no 'delete' key or I can't find it if there is one.

"Useful for puzzle fanatics like me. Post any question and some kind soul will provide the answer."
Yes I'm here! And no, the AB Editor didn't pay me (do you think I should ask for something?!).
Me again! Just to add to what boxtops was saying, my name was also on the website on the limerick competition winners list. My 'mystery prize' was simply a RD condensed book. Not very exciting perhaps, but it'll keep me in reading matter over Christmas.
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paisleylass - I have just found your post. At least you got something for your effort - a book is better than nothing.

I used to really enjoy the RD but feel that it has gone downhill fast over the last couple of years. I think that once my subscription comes up for renewal I won't renew it.

I suppose that I should head back to bed - reclaim it from my little tom cat who will growl at me when I try to move him. :-)

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Tracy Davidson - are you out there?

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