HELP! I've typed an essay on Microsoft word but am unable to print it. It's in a 'queue'. Why doesn't it print? It's firmly connected to my PC and is the default printer. ???
If you have a queue in your printer, then you have documents there waiting to be printed!........this should not happen, so may be a fault, but try going into the printer, and then delete all the items in the queue before the one you want to print!..........
My printer usually works when in this situation by saving your work and shutting down the printer, then re-starting after a few minutes - you may also find that it will print other documents (usually the alignment sheet,) before it does the one you really want to print!
OK. Tried turning off printer and restarting and got the test page. That's all.
I can see the print queue. The printer is set as default. How do I find out if the printer is set to 'on line' and must it be set to 'on line' even tho' I'm printing from microsoft word? WHOAH! WHOAH!!! It's suddenly started printing! My life is back on track!! Thx to evryone for your advice anyway!! YIPPEE!!