This show is fantastic, having worked in local government and sat in endless meetings like this, it is so on the nail. PR people like her and can recognise the charaters in the team. This is the funniest show my friend who worked with me has suggested we should write one but some of the things we saw/knew about would not be believed.
Boxtops, sorry you do not like it but for those of us have experienced this at work it is really funny.
Yes an undiscovered gem. Very very true to life and a sharp commentary on the Olympics. I am waiting with baited breath for the next one, I think there is one more episode...would love to get a DVD.
Absolutely brilliant.Done in a real documentary style with tonque firmly anchored in cheek.I love the way all the gobbledy gook is cut away by the gruff Yorkshireman with a curt 'thats bollux'.Love it.
Had to laugh the other day when the coach carrying the USA Olympic team from Heathrow got lost, They must have seen the episode in the first series when exactly the same thing happend!