OK, so it is just a poll mid term of a Government. But all the same, it is not happy reading for the Conservatives. Calls for them to ditch the coalition and call a snap election would seem to be badly timed. The Lib Dems will be decimated probably coming in fourth behind UKiP. And Labour, despite havong a wet blanket as a leader are massively ahead in the polls.
I agree Quizmonster, just as I would agree it's equally pointless trying to convince those with left-wing leanings what the facts are in most circumstances.
I think describing people who don't agree with an anti-right wing view as "people with such a tenuous grasp of manifest reality" is rather a sweeping statement.
Anyway, anyone got any Crosswod clues or Music questions?
// The way the unions are behaving at the moment ensures Labour wont get in.
How exactly are they behaving? The last major strike was by Doctors. Border control staff have announced a one day strike. Hardly bringing the country to its knees. I expect the number of days lost by strike action to be very low at the moment.
I don't think Labour should be rejoicing yet, yes some are fed up with the cuts and financial gloom, but surely they are not daft enough to think that if Labour get back in all those lost jobs will be gained back, some have very short memories of why we are in such a state as we are today.
My solution for the Tories to win back favour would be for them to ditch Cameron and his Lib/Dem buddies.
Even the IMF are asking for plan B as the austerity is causing out economy to stagnate and stay in recession. There needs to be some job creation projects. Instead we keep doing more QE which just lines the bankers pockets again and again.
Gromit #Who would you rather have as Prime Minister AOG.#
I know you are asking AOG but I asked myself the question and I immediately thought of William Hague . He seems to be the only politician in either party who is forthright and prepared say his mind .
I wonder which of the ABers would make a good PM ?
AOG in my opinion the idea that the Tories are unpopular is because of their leader or because they are held back by the Lib Dems seems fanciful. Ditch the coalition and there'd have to be an election and as we can see the polls don't look promising for an outright Tory victory. They couldn't manage it after 13 years of Labour so what makes you think a 2-year stint such as the one we have seen is going to make them even more popular?