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Never send an amateur ....

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andy-hughes | 10:39 Tue 16th Oct 2012 | Music
103 Answers
to do a professional's job!


I'm off to Derby tonight to interview Paul, and to review his show for Acoustic Magazine

Must listen out for that Ace Frehley classic .....!!!!!


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it may have been bitchy but i do get where andy is coming from as i see it all the time in my industry ..

companies thinking they can get an eager student to do a job that really they shoudl be paying someone to do properly - but they try to cut corners and the work suffers for it.
many think if you pay a pro HOD then you can get away with staffing the entire team with work exp and students and its wrong.
it becomes a massive headache, things go wrong because you cannot possibly expect them to do such as demanding job with no experience, and so you have to put the problems right, and end up doing twice as much work - and sometimes end up having to wing it because you have run out of time, and it affects our industry terribly because the trained people who are trying to earn a living are being over looked by greedy companies.

"if you think hiring professionals is expensive, wait until you hire an amateur" ~ Red Adair.
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Rev Arkwright - "Professionals do it for money, amateurs do it for love, I know which my money is on."

That is somewhat of an over-simplifcation of the situation - I write for money and I am a professional, but given the time and effort versus fees paid in the music writing world, you would not find any professional who does not deeply love music, and writing about it. How else would you explain why anyone would work that hard for those hours for those low fees?

Doing it 'for the love of the music' is simply a get-out for unscrupluous editors to employ free labour.

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Never send an amateur ....

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