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Literary term for small streams

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tencree | 12:28 Tue 20th Nov 2012 | Crosswords
36 Answers
Answer: Runnels


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This one was asked and answered several days ago - why not use the same thread, don't start another one!
Suppose we are being welcoming to Tencree and trying to make her feel comfortable as she is new. Was my intention.
Yes - welcome, tencree! Not sure why you posted the answer, though, as your first post!

Please don't chat here, it isn't the place. And you've got their name wrong...
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Guess it can take time to get into the way of things....I cocked up my entry to AB. Hence the prize from Baldric. Not that you cocked up Tencree.....I hold the world record for cock-ups! Welcome again.
Apologies Ed. Trying to make a new member welcome....can be difficult being new. I know...being shy and to naughty step. :-( x
Must learn not to chat on Crossword answers.....
Perhaps Ed will remove this thread now or, at least, prevent any further answers. Giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, page one of her thread must now appear very confusing indeed...
so goddamn confused here that I do not know if I am playing with myself....
Would rivulets help? :)
I wonder what Rabbie Burns would have answered.
I am sure he wrote about runnels........

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Literary term for small streams

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