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Sharia Law in UK

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springbulb81 | 09:06 Mon 03rd Dec 2012 | Society & Culture
35 Answers
There are a lot of Islamic groups in the UK who put up posters in streets saying this is a "Sharia Law" controlled areas and offenders will be punished.

How can they possibly expect British people to abide to this and expect people to adhere to this in their own country?


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Thanks Fred. (This problem with AB is so frustrating!).

In that case, I'll stick to my last answer.
-- answer removed --
as I posted on another thread, parts of East London have the posters up and gangs patrolling the streets, old bill nowhere to be seen.
the story linked to was 15 months old. How are they doing so far?

Their "hundreds if not thousands of people" seem entirely self-counted. So far one person has been found putting up posters.

I'm not scared.
jno, I'm not scared living where I am but when I worked in Limehouse some of the locals were concerned, no one was caught putting up posters because no coppers walked the streets. You don't see much roaring down the A13 with flashing lights going.
Bigamy is against the law in Britain, yet Muslims are allowed two wives, which the tax payers have to fork out for, and their myriad children with child benefits. There is no end to their benefits living in this country.
Muslims cannot marry two wives in this country. Are there not restrictions on how many wives they can bring in to be supported by the state?
The answer to my question above is that a Muslim man with more than one wife cannot obtain a visa for the second wife to enter Britain.

Muslim men who have married more than one woman abroad are able to
get around the law.
This was a non starter, local people and others pulled the signs down and no-one took the slightest bit of notice, and the people who had put them up looked absurd. To my knowledge it hasn't been tried since.
Looks like this is currently a non-story then?
Maybe other areas should post signs too?

You are entering a Secular Area.
No respect for religious dogma or ignorant prejudice.
Sharia Law in the UK
It's coming soon maybe ...

I would have said apologies to the Sex Pistols but they wouldn't respect that.
naomi24 don't struggle with IE9 use Google Chrome it is one of the best browsers for the internet and its free.
catsrcool, thank you, but the problem's been fixed now.

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