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As A Vacuum Cleaner Salesman .....

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excelsior-1 | 18:34 Mon 10th Dec 2012 | Jokes
28 Answers
..... i really sucked


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Thought you were going to clean up eh?
18:36 Mon 10th Dec 2012
I thought he looked a bit VAXed.
He's not getting an extension then?
What is the difference between excel on a harley and a hoover? The location of the dirt bag.

(nothing meant by that as to an insult, excel)
Well he keeps plugging away at it.
You're pushing it now, excel.........
Did excel pay his carpet tacks?
Dam, has he left the Hoover run out again....
I'm intrigued as to how one cleans a vacuum.

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As A Vacuum Cleaner Salesman .....

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