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It Has Gone 8Pm....

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EcclesCake | 21:10 Wed 06th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I didn't approve but was on the edge of my seat, I might drop off soon.....


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Someone else posted something similar a while ago and it was removed in a flash, just a warning Eccles.
ok, it 8.10pm what is happening to make you sit on edge of seat, or drop off...
"was on the edge of my seat"


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Madmen, you are a master of the piss take, I'm surprised you didn't spot it!
I already know what desktop looks like (if that is what you are referring to).
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As do many of us Daffy...... Best not to mention it though desktop got upset when she was found, following invitation, on EBay....

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It Has Gone 8Pm....

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