Quizzes and Puzzles - Papers and Magazines
Dear All,
I hope you are well.
We are hoping to put together a complete directory of all crosswords, puzzles and quizzes which The AnswerBank users participate in.
We wondered if you could help our list along, if you could let us know the paper you receive and the names of the crosswords in it we'd very very grateful. We have started a list, but this doesn't include any of the local quizzes or papers. Submit your below and we'll add it to the list.
We hope this directory will be helpful for new quizzers as well as those looking for some fresh print!
If you wish to submit an annual quiz run in your area, let us know where it is being run, when it usually runs and any other relevant information.
We have, so far:
Daily Papers:
The Daily Mail
The Times
The Telegraph
The Independent
The Express
The Guardian
The Financial Time
Weekend Papers:
The Mail on Sunday
The Sunday Times
The Observer
The Financial Times Weekend
The Sunday Express
The Spectator
New Statesman
Private Eye
We know this is less than exhaustive, but with your help we'll get there!
All the best,
Spare Ed