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Chaser Tonight

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uncle al | 19:09 Thu 14th Mar 2013 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
How unfair...
A young chap called Jake went for £40k and got it, (in 3rd chair)
The previous two won their chases but didn't bring too much to the table.
Blow me, having seen that there was £42k in the bank, Lesley (4th chair)decides she'd go for MINUS £3k
How unfair!
She got through but didn't answer a single answer in the final chase (Jake again)
No surprise, the team won the £42k and Lesley gets £10,500!


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Good for her - she knows the winning way to play the game.

You know the rules when you enter - take it or leave it !
Its unfair but that's the game
De ja vu, just replied to this thread somewhere else, I'm going mad.....................
Why have you posted this twice, I'm totally confused now!
It's a competition netbiza, to see which gets the most answers !

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I was so incensed I put it in TV and Media and TV
I dont think this game is at all fair as far as dividing the money....I did hear Bradley say to Lesley as she walked back to her chair - "I hope the rest of the team are not to hard on you"
Surely there must have been £45k in the bank if they shared £42k when she went for minus £3k.
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Mistyped it
There was indeed £45k before she went low...............
If I was her I'd have been so embarrassed but she didn't seem to be.

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