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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:41 Thu 25th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
Thursday. We had a bit of rain during the night, just enough to not need to water the garden. That'll do for now!

Have a happy day everyone.


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It's a good news morning all round. :o}
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I'm sure it is LJ. Quite right too! :o}
morning all x

drinks tea and smiles
Boatie....have Alba and Minty done a runner??? haven't seen them about at all
hi slappy - minty was posting yesterday and alba may have problems with her dongle. probably not dingling.
Thanks LJ...
A late good morning all from a very wet Edinburgh x
Good morning Sir and all who sail here. Herself sends her best to you all and especially 'Fingers' and Welshy.

(belated) good morning all

only two days to go now

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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