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Embracing Your Inner Child

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Eve | 17:19 Sun 22nd Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Do you ever embrace your inner child? What did you do?


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I still dip toast soldiers in my boiled eggs.
Boiled eggs with soldiers.
Snap Tilly2
I find excuses to take the grand kids to the park so I can play on the swings.
Can you do it yourself Traci, or does someone have to push you.
In the autumn,I can't resist kicking up piles of leaves.
The boys taught me last week how to do it myself tony.
If I could embrace my inner child I'd have a massive room filled with lego villages.

Can't wait to get Little Tiggs some lego stuff to build :o) He's a bit too young at the moment though.
Well done, Traci ;-)
A couple of weeks ago I was on the swings. Grandchildren tried to push me but I told them to move away and did it myself. ..:0)
Snow or Ice on the floor - I HAVE to go for a slide. Throwing Snowballs at people as well.
I've started collecting original 80's My Little Ponies. I only had Bow Tie when I was a kid and now I have all the ones I wanted as a child but my mum would never buy me. don't play with them or anything mind you!
I also started a board on Pinterest called Retro-Tastic, which is just an amazing collection of all the toys and TV shows from my 80's childhood and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I see it
Where is the nearest Helter Skelter?
if i could fit my a@@@in ,i would go down all the slides i see

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