Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
The Tories And Atos
mp asks for cruel monster atos to axed
WARNING THIS LINK GOES TO AN AUDIO SOURCE, for those of you at work...
http:// www.aol .co.uk/ article /2013/1 0/16/pm -challe nged-ov er-crue l-monst er-atos /207469 90/?nci d=webma il19&am p;_sns_ authChe ck=1
WARNING THIS LINK GOES TO AN AUDIO SOURCE, for those of you at work...
Typical tory claptrap cause the suffering and blame previous. These people (who were not elected) have no compassion, benevolence or heartfelt regret. They are simply there to put us back where they want us ( 19thcentury) while the smug bastards live a life of carefree and pampered luxery, off the backs of society. That is their role in life and they aim to...
14:38 Thu 17th Oct 2013
Yes there is a right to have the assessment recorded, see ATOS' link here, http:// blog.at oshealt hcare.c om/2012 /12/how -to-req uest-an -audio- recorde d-asses sment/
Thanks DrFillth and TheCorbyloon
one of the comments on that blog piece points to parliamentary question 117849 which you can find (use Ctrl-F in your browser) here: -
http:// www.pub licatio ns.parl iament. uk/pa/c m201213 /cmhans rd/cm12 0717/te xt/1207 17w0007 .htm
no surprises that there is a certain amount of fudge in the answer...
one of the comments on that blog piece points to parliamentary question 117849 which you can find (use Ctrl-F in your browser) here: -
no surprises that there is a certain amount of fudge in the answer...
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