I am looking for any books by Ursula Horsley-Smith. They were first published in the late 1950 to early 1960s and they are childrens books. I had them as a child and want to particularly obtain Land Of No Time and The Door That Wasn't There. I would be very grateful of any information on these. Thank you in anticipation Jean
Thank you for your answer. You seem to know these books. Have you ever seen them or read them? I had them as a chid and would love to have these to pass on to my own children. Your reply is greatly anticipated. Kind regards Jean
Hi I have got a copy of white horses by ursula horsley-smith 1954 copy with coloured plates by rosemary cosgrave - The caxton publishing co,ltd.
This book in my opinion is in good condition but has no dust cover.
I am interested in selling it if you would like to e-mail me.
Thanks Robert
Hi Robert.
Thank you sooo much for your email. Unfortunately I have White Horse. My husband bought it for me as a suprise. The ones I really am after are 'Land of No Time' and 'The Door That Wasn't There'. I really would love to purchase these two.
If you are interested in selling White Horses I think you will get quite a good price for it as they are very rare and sought after. I would try ebay or Amazon if I were you.
If you do hear of anyone with the two books I am after I would be very obliged if you could let me know.
Thank you again for getting back to me.
Kind regards Jean
Hi all, I am in Australia and used to have white horses when I was a child in England. Robert I would be interested in buying this book if you still have it. I am new to this site and im not sure how I can go about emailing you, I cannot find any reference to your address on this site and hope that you return and read this, or perhaps someone else can help me with your address?
Hello Dimpled-one it is Robert Smyth here, I saw you were looking for a copy of white horses - I still have this copy - if you are interested please e-mail me at robertsmyth2008@hotmail.co.uk
I am so very sorry to hear of your very sad loss.
It is very kind of you to contact me and I am very interested in purchasing the book.
As it was your mothers's I will look after it for you as any item must be sentimental to you.
Please would you let me know how much you would like for the book and again I am sorry for your news.
Kind regards Jean
Hello Shangrla.
I just thought I would give you my email address so that you can contact me direct.
It is jeannurse@hotmail.co.uk.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards Jean
I, too, am looking for White Horses, by Ursula Horsley.Smith. I read and loved this book as a chile but lent it to someone and never got it back again. Does anyone have a copy they would like to sell me?