Crowdpleeser, I think the best excercise for your eyes, would be to walk to the nearest Optician & get them tested! I really can't think of anything else which could improve your eyesight, apart from eating all your carrots up!
No, I wear glasses, and have been tested in the last two weeks. My eyesight is getting worse in spite of my glasses. I want to strengthen my eyes themselves so that in ten years time I won't be wearing extra thick glasses!
Try looking for books on the "Bateman Method". Most large bookshops carry one or two. Never tried it, so I don't know if it works, but when I was in retail we sold a lot of books on the topic!
Click cises.htm
for some views on Bates' method of eyesight-improvement. (I wonder whether LeMarchand meant to say 'Bates' or whether 'Bateman' is another guy with the same sort of ideas.) A Google search using "eye exercises"+Bates will present you with more appropriate websites.
Looked at a few sites but the general concenus is that exercise cannot help short-sightedness (admittedly all the articles were written by opticians). The problem is that to see distance objects the eye muscles have to relax - not contract. Although you can train muscles to make them stronger you can't really make them relax better. I am not entirely convinced - and it would be nice to proved wrong.