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Lamb In Slow Cooker

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NoMercy | 07:39 Thu 22nd May 2014 | Food & Drink
13 Answers
I was wondering about cooking leg of lamb in the slow cooker.

Anyone ever tried this?



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Yes, cooked it on Sunday, with Rosemary, Mint and Garlic, very nice it was to.
I pretty much followed this recipe,
apart from my piece had the bone still in and didn't fall apart.
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It's the only way I do it now. Brown it off then cover in lamb stock and add crushed garlic cloves, a generous sprinkling of dried mint and a few spoonfuls of redcurrant jelly. I usually put on around midday on medium to eat at 6 ish, it's lovely. Sieve the stock and thicken to make the best ever lamb gravy.
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Tbh honest mine doesn't really get carved, it just falls to bits, but we don't mind pieces instead of slices.
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I'll have to try removing the bone first next time, I'm still a total amateur when it comes to Sunday lunch, but I'm learning. :-)
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Thanks guys. I really want that meltingly tender result.

Sainsburys have half legs half price and I can fit two of those in my slow cooker. I can taste it now!
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Done it a few times in the slow cooker with mint, garlic and rosemary gravy but just wasn't the same as doing in the oven.
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