An observation. Anyone who puts any football related story on here while matches are still going on is usually vilified for 'spoiling it for those of us that don't want to know the result'
an observation. they're only vilified for putting the final score in their op (I might add, before people have had a chance to watch it on terrestrial tv. Everyone has had the opportunity to watch these games. If they choose not to that would come under the category 'tough'.
roy.....'Another observation. ITV stick in an extra E in 'Thomas Müller' for some strange reason.'
Not a strange reason at all. Mueller and Müller are both correct spellings in German - note the umlaut above the u in Müller, but no umlaut when its spelled Mueller
Jerome Boateng, tasked with dealing with the Ballon d'Or winner, was delighted to come out on top of that personal battle, although he, like Muller, emphasised the triumph of the collective.
Great journalism in that link , joe. They revert to Muller with no umlaut.