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Natural Selection At Work?

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ToraToraTora | 10:29 Sat 09th Aug 2014 | News
26 Answers
Why are people so stupid?


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I'm not anti or pro drugs. You just seem to class every drug user as an addict, mostly the aren't.

I hate these trends though. These legal highs. I think the word 'legal' makes our kids feel safe taking them.
I bought a cylinder of laughing gas recently I was in stitches for weeks.

It fell on my head.

Boom Boom.....
I am not sitting on any fences Ummmm...I am most certainly anti-drugs !
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yes ummmm done silly things but I never took anything when i did not have any idea of the effect. I cannot abide smoking anyway and that's how it starts. When I was a student lots of drugs were about but I was always afraid of the effects, whether they be physical or worse mental. I know a couple of guys who did LSD and I swear it wrecked their heads, they just aren't right, even now. One went to jail last year for overeacting in a bar for example, and he hasn't taken drugs for 30 years but something is just not right.
The link to the BBC site doesn't actually say how the gas can kill. I would bet that most people wouldn't have the first clue that this gas can be lethal. My guess is that people rate it as dangerous as helium.

The answer is education.
The problem is, of course, that this is the pain relief gas given to women in labour, so screams "safe to use". It seems that prolonged, unsupervised use is dangerous to health.

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