Ellipsis, you wrote, “Since when did "disarm" mean "relinquish control to a foreign power"? And to that, TTT replied, “Ellipsis, you are looking for logic, stop it!”
It was to the latter comment that I responded on the matter of logic. Getting rid of nuclear weapons is the best thing that could happen to them.
Under what conceivable circumstances do you see Scotland or the RumpUK using these vastly expensive devices, particularly as we watch food-banks proliferate and the poor and sick being victimised?
In any case, you surely cannot seriously believe either of your own comments:
a) “Scotland has atomic weapons.”
b) (Scotland is in a position to) “relinquish control” (of them).
As I understand it, even the UK as a whole does not really ‘have’ atomic weapons and nor will the RumpUK have if there is a ‘Yes’ vote. Although they are here, they are still largely ‘controlled’ by the USA.
Thus, as far as I am concerned, Wharton’s comment was and remains perfectly logical.